Same-Day Delivery FAQ

Same-Day Delivery FAQs

What is Same-Day Delivery?

You can now place an order on and the app to get your products delivered on the same day. Same-Day Delivery is available seven days a week, for both residential and business customers, in select cities and zip codes. We share your order information and contact details with Uber, Doordash, and Shipt, our delivery partners.

Do I need an account to place a Same-Day Delivery order?

Yes, you will need to create a Beauty Insider account to place a Same-Day Delivery order. To learn more about our Beauty Insider loyalty program, check out these FAQs.

Is there a minimum for Same-Day Delivery?

No, there is no minimum spend required to place a Same-Day Delivery order.

How do I search for products that are eligible for Same-Day Delivery?

To search for eligible products, select the “Same-Day Delivery” filter below the search bar and input your preferred delivery address when prompted. This will filter for items available for Same-Day Delivery in your area.

How do I place a Same-Day Delivery order?

To place a Same-Day Delivery order, select “Same-Day Delivery” on the product page, and make sure your preferred delivery address is correct. This will ensure accurate product availability.

When will my Same-Day Delivery order arrive?

To ensure Same-Day Delivery, place your order by the local cutoff time indicated on the product page. Cutoff times will vary by zip code. If your order is placed before the local cutoff time, it will be delivered by end of day local time. If your order is placed after the local cutoff time, it will be delivered the next available day.

For fast and easy updates, download the Sephora app.

How will I know the driver is on the way?

You will receive a confirmation email when we receive your order, and then an additional confirmation email once the order is en route to your location. To see the latest notifications about your Same-Day Delivery order, download the Sephora app. The app will alert you when your order is out for delivery.

Why was my Same-Day Delivery order delivered the next day?

If your order is placed after the local cutoff time, it will be delivered the next available day.

Is there a delivery fee?

The Same-Day Delivery fee starts at $6.95

What can I do if I entered the wrong address on my Same-Day Delivery order?

If you entered the wrong address on your Same-Day Delivery order, you have 15 minutes to cancel your order. If you notice the incorrect address 15 minutes after you placed your order, please contact our Customer Service team via chat or by phone at 877-737-4672.

What does it mean when some of my items are unavailable?

If it is determined that items are unavailable as your order is being prepared, you will not be charged for the unavailable items. You will receive a follow-up email offering to ship these (via standard shipping) to your preferred location at no additional shipping cost to you.

Who will be delivering my Same-Day Delivery order?

We offer Same-Day Delivery through our delivery partners in select areas across the US. We recommend that you be home to receive your order.

What if I am not available when the delivery partner arrives?

All Sephora Same-Day Delivery orders are contactless; the delivery partner will leave your order at your front door or lobby. To see the latest notifications about your Same-Day Delivery order, download the Sephora app.

What can I do if the item delivered is faulty?

If the item delivered is faulty, please contact our Customer Service team via chat or by phone at 877-737-4672.

Will I receive samples with my Same-Day Delivery order?

Samples are not currently available with Same-Day Delivery orders.

What can I do if some of my Same-Day Delivery items are missing?

If any Same-Day Delivery items that you purchased are missing, please contact our Customer Service team via chat or by phone at 877-737-4672.

Will my order arrive in multiple shipments?

Your order will ship from a single location. If a product is unavailable for Same-Day Delivery, you will have the option to receive the item via standard delivery, at no additional shipping cost to you, by using our free shipping promotion code found in the email notification.

What if I don’t receive my delivery?

Your Same-Day Delivery order will arrive by end of day local time. If you have not received your order by then,please contact our Customer Service team via chat or by phone at 877-737-4672.

What forms of payment are accepted when using Same-Day Delivery?

Same-Day Delivery orders can be made using all forms of payment, including—but not limited to—Sephora Credit Card, PayPal, Klarna, and Beauty Insider Cash.

Can I cancel a Same-Day Delivery order?

Once your order is placed, you will have 15 minutes to cancel via the cancellation link included in your order confirmation email. After 15 minutes have passed, we are unable to cancel your order and your items will need to be returned to your local Sephora store location

I canceled my Same-Day Delivery order, but still see the charge on my account; when will I be refunded?

You will not be charged for a cancelled order. The authorization hold on your account will be removed within 30 days, based on the policy of your financial institution.

Can I add something to my Same-Day Delivery order?

Once your order has been placed, you may not add additional items to your Same-Day Delivery order.

Can I send someone a gift using Same-Day Delivery?

You may send a gift to any address via Same-Day Delivery and include a gift message.

How do I return items from my Same-Day Delivery order?

You may return items from a Same-Day Delivery order to any Sephora store location.

Do delivery partners accept tips? If so, how do I tip mine?

Drivers are paid a higher base rate, which includes tip.

What is scheduled Same-Day Delivery?

This feature allows you to choose a specific two-hour time slot for your order to be dropped off.

How do I select scheduled Same-Day Delivery?

At checkout, you will see two options under Same-Day Delivery: the order cutoff time and “Schedule a Delivery Window.” Clicking on “Schedule a Delivery Window” will load time-slot options available for today and tomorrow. You can then choose your desired two-hour delivery window and click “confirm.” Once you’ve confirmed, the box outlining scheduled delivery will appear in bold and “Schedule a Delivery Window” will be replaced by the “Today/Tomorrow, Date, Time” that you have selected.

How do I change my delivery window?

Underneath “Today/Tomorrow, Date, Time” that you have selected, you will see the option to “choose a different time.” Clicking that will load other available time slots for today or tomorrow. You can then select a new window and place your order.

How do I change my time slot once my order has been placed?

Once an order is placed, the time slot cannot be changed. Keep in mind you do not need to be home to have your order delivered. If the time slot previously selected is no longer convenient, please cancel your order and place a new one. Most orders can be canceled within 15 minutes of being placed. If this option is no longer available, the items can be returned to the store for a refund after the order is delivered. If you have any issues, you can reach out to customer service. The quickest, easiest way to do so is by downloading the Sephora app and using the Customer Service chat function.

How do I cancel my scheduled Same-Day Delivery order?

Head to your order details page (located under Orders, click “View Details”). On the order details page, under Order Summary, you will see “Changed your mind? Cancel your order.” Click to proceed with cancelation. If this option is no longer available, the items can be returned to the store for a refund after the order has been delivered.

How soon can I schedule an order?

When you select “Today” under Scheduled Delivery, you will see the available time slots. Typically, it’s possible to schedule within three to four hours from the time that you are placing your order during store hours.

How far in advance can I schedule an order?

You can schedule your delivery to arrive in the evening of the following day. End-of-day time slots will vary.

My order delivery window has passed and my order has not arrived. What should I do?

We’re sorry that your order is running late! Please feel free to contact customer service. The easiest way to do this is via chat or by phone at 877-737-4672.

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